Nurse's Corner

  • Healthy children are healthy learners. The primary function of the certified school nurse is to strengthen the educational process through improvement and promotion of student health. Some of the ways this is accomplished are through the following:

    1. Vision, Auditory, B/P, and Scoliosis screenings. Heights and weight are monitored yearly.
    2. Administration of medications (As per guidelines on this site).
    3. Determinations regarding school attendance due to illness or injury.
    4. Illness, injury assessments and interventions, including first aid.
    5. Health counseling.

    I look forward to a healthy school year for your child!
    I look forward to meeting the health needs of your child in the school setting. I can be reached daily at 973-249-0995 ext. 124. Please inform me if your child has any medical concerns that will impact his/her school day and/or year.

Nurse Contact Info

  • Ms. Marie Bridge
    Lodi Campus School Nurse
    (T) 973-249-0995 ext. 124



  • Sixth and Seventh grade parents

     Sixth grade parents please read the educational fact sheet on Meningitis on the district website under medical information. Seventh grade parents please read the educational fact sheet regarding vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus(HPV) on the district website under medical information.

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  • Reminder

    Please remember to call the office when your child is going to be absent.

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