- South Bergen Jointure Commission
- Evaluations
Evaluation Process
The South Bergen Jointure Commission utilizes the Charlotte Danielson Evaluation Framework for Teaching (2013) for professional staff evaluations. Staff are active participants in the evaluation process through pre- and post- conferences and self-evaluations. Evaluations are conducted through a web-based program, Frontline. Staff evaluations are used to develop district professional development plans and goals.
The purpose of the observation and evaluation of non tenured teaching staff members shall be to improve professional competence, identify deficiencies, extend assistance for the correction of such deficiencies, provide a basis for recommendations regarding re-employment, and improve the quality of instruction received by the pupils served by the SBJC.
Professional Staff
Tenured Staff Members: 2 Observations per year
Non-Tenured Staff Members: 3 Observations per yearParaprofessionals
SBJC uses a skills checklist to evaluate all paraprofessionals.